The instructions in this section is valid for references to audiovisual works that are part of a series, e.g. a TV or podcast series. If the work has been accessed online, include the URL of the website.
Template |
Creator, A. A. (Role), & Creator, B. B. (Role). (YYYY, Month DD). Title of episode (Season #, Episode #) [Description]. In B. B. Creator (Role), Title of series. Publisher. URL Creator, A. A. (Role), & Creator, B. B. (Role). (YYYY, Month DD). Title of episode (No. #) [Description]. In Title of podcast. Publisher. URL |
In-text references | |
(Attenborough & Lucas, 1995) (Crespi, 2019) |
Attenborough and Lucas (1995) showcase this... In an episode of the Science Podcast, Crespi (2019) intervjued... |
Reference list |
Attenborough, D. (Writer), & Lucas, N. (Director). (1995, February 1). The social struggle (Season 1, Episode 4) [TV series episode]. In M. Salisbury (Executive producer), The private life of plants. BBC Natural History Unit; Turner Broadcasting System. Crespi, S. (Host). (2019, November 14). How to make an Arctic ship ‘vanish,’ and how fast-moving spikes are heating the Sun’s atmosphere [Audio podcast]. In Science podcasts. Science. |