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APA 7th edition - Reference guide: Departementsserien (Ds)

Reference guide for APA 7th edition, a guide intended for students at the Univesity of Fort Hare to learn how format references according to the APA 7th edition style.

Departementsserien (Ds)

Departementsserien (Ds)

The instructions in this section are valid for references to reports in Departementsserien (Ds). If you accessed the report online, include the URL of the website from which it was retrieved in the reference.

Organization/Agency. (Year). Title (Ds YYYY:Number). Publisher. URL


In-text references  
(Ministry of the Environment, 2017) Ministry of the Environment (2017) establishes that...
Reference list
Ministry of the Environment. (2017). Biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster: Kontrollstation 2016 (Ds 2017:32). Swedish Government Offices.