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APA 7th edition - Reference guide: Stand-alone works

Reference guide for APA 7th edition, a guide intended for students at the Univesity of Fort Hare to learn how format references according to the APA 7th edition style.

Stand-alone works

Stand-alone works

The instructions in this section is valid for references to stand-alone audiovisual works, i.e. works that are not part of a series. If the work has been accessed online, include the URL of the website. 

Creator, A. A. (Role), & Creator, B. B. (Role). (YYYY, Month DD). Title of work [Description]. Publisher. URL


In-text reference  

(Al-Khalili, 2011-present)            

(Gertten, 2009)

(Streicker, 2018)

In a podcast series by Al-Khalili (2011-present)...

Gertten (2009) intervjued...

This was discussed by Streicker (2018)...

Reference list

Al-Khalili, J. (Host). (2011-present). The life scientific [Audio podcast]. BBC.

Gertten, F. (Director). (2009). Bananas!* [Film]. WG Film AB.

Streicker, D. (2018, November). What vaccinating vampire bats can teach us about pandemics [Video]. TEDMED.