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APA 7th edition - Reference guide: Journal articles

Reference guide for APA 7th edition, a guide intended for students at the Univesity of Fort Hare to learn how format references according to the APA 7th edition style.

Journal articles

Journal articles

The instructions in this section are valid for references to all different kinds of scientific articles, i.e. experimental research articles, analytical or argumentative research articles and review articles. Note that if the article is published in an online journals, it might have been provided with an article number or eLocator instead of page numbers. In that case, state the article number or eLocator preceded by the word “Article” in place of the pages at the end of the reference.

If a DOI has been assigned to the article, include this number in the reference. If no DOI has been assigned and the article was accessed online from a nondatabase website, use the URL of the webpage from which it was retrieved. If the article was accessed in print or retrieved from an academic database, no URL is included.


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (YYYY). Title of article. Journal title, volume(issue), page number-page number. DOI or URL


In-text references  

(Lyytimäki, 2015)

(Zayed & Badawi, 2020)

(Chiara et al., 2019)

(Truant et al., 1998)

(Gow et al., 2019)

According to Lyytimäki (2015)...

As stated by Zayed and Badawi (2020)...

Chiara et al. (2019) found...

In a study by Truant et al. (1998)...

Gow et al. (2019) state that…

Reference list

Chiara, V., Portugal, F. R., & Jeanson, R. (2019). Social intolerance is a consequence, not a cause, of dispersal in spiders. PLoS Biology, 17(7), Article e3000319.

Gow, E. A., Knight, S. M., Bradley, D. W., Clark, R. G., Winkler, D. W., Bélisle, M., Berzins, L. L., Blake, T., Bridge, E. S., Burke, L., Dawson, R. D., Dunn, P. O., Garant, D., Holroyd, G., Horn, A. G., David J. T. Hussell, D. J. T., Lansdorp, O., Laughlin, A. J.,  . . . Norris, D. R. (2019). Effects of spring migration distance on tree swallow reproductive success within and among flyways. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, Article 380.

Lyytimäki, J. (2015). Avoiding overly bright future: The systems intelligence perspective on the management of light pollution. Environmental Development, 16, 4–14.

Truant, R., Fridell, R. A., Benson, E. R., Herold, A., & Cullen, B. R. (1998). Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling by protein nuclear import factors. Journal of Cell Biology, 77(4), 269-275.

Zayed, M., & Badawi, M. A. (2020). In-Silico evaluation of a new gene from wheat reveals the divergent evolution of the CAP160 homologous genes into monocots. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 88(2), 151–163.