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APA 7th edition - Reference guide: Reports

Reference guide for APA 7th edition, a guide intended for students at the Univesity of Fort Hare to learn how format references according to the APA 7th edition style.



The instructions on this page are valid for references to all kinds of reports from research institutes, authorities and companies. Some report will have a group author, e.g. organization, company or authority, instead of a personal author. If the publisher is the same as the author, omit the publisher from the source element.

If a DOI has been assigned to the report, include this number in the reference. If no DOI has been assigned and the report was accessed online from a nondatabase website, use the URL of the webpage from which it was retrieved. If the report was accessed in print or retrieved from an academic database, no URL is included.

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (YYYY). Title of report (Serial name/Report No. #). Publisher. DOI or URL


In-text references  

(Lundqvist et al., 2008)

(Naturvårdsverket, 2007)                             

(Tyler & Waldheim, 1983)

Lundqvist et al. (2008) reviewed the...

According to the guidelines of Naturvårdsverket (2007)

Tyler and Waldheim (1983) studied...

Reference list

Lundqvist, A.-C., Andersson, S., & Lönn, M. (2008). Genetic variation in wild plants and animals in Sweden: A review of case studies from the perspective of conservation genetics (Report No. 5786). Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Naturvårdsverket. (2007). Tillsyn med framsyn: Naturvårdsverkets tillsynsvägledning 2007 – 2009 (Report No. 5675).

Tyler, C., & Waldheim, S. (1983). Kalkmyrar och fuktängar i 1940-talets Skåne (Meddelande från Växtekologiska institutionen Lunds universitet No. 51). Lund University.