Which field should I search? Address Field vs. Organization-Enhanced Field
The Address field searches the complete author affiliation, including country, postal code, department or organization abbreviation. Organization-Enhanced searches ONLY the unified organization name. See the video below for details on how we unify institution names.
Search the Address field by entering the abbreviated name of an institution and/or location from an author's address. For example, Univ and University finds institutions in which the term "Univ" appears in the Addresses field within a record.
When entering full names, do not use articles (a, an, the) and prepositions (of, in, for) in the name. For example, entering UNIV Pennsylvania is OK but entering University of Pennsylvania results in an error message.
The Organization-Enhanced field uses a unified list of preferred names. Many variants of an institution's name have been grouped together (all captured on publications) in order to enable you to search for preferred organization names and/or their name variants from the Preferred Organization Index. Not all organizations have been unified, so check the index to see if your institution is listed. If it’s not you’ll need to search the Address field.
Click Select from Index to navigate to the search aid.
Selecting the preferred name from the search aid generally returns more precise and accurate results.
Selecting a variant from the search aid executes a search that includes the preferred name and the name variant.