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InCites Benchmarking & Analytics: I am a Publisher

InCites Benchmarking & Analytics is a research analytics tool.

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InCites for Publishers

InCites can help you benchmark your journal to peers, learn about the performance of institutions and authors publishing in your journal, and explore the citation relationships between an organization's work and your publication. Here are just a few of the questions that InCites can help you answer:

  • Which institutions publish in our journals?
  • Which institutions/authors are producing the best performing research in a field? Do they publish in our journals?
  • Which institutions contribute to our journal’s impact?
  • Which institutions publish in our journal but do not contribute to its impact?
  • How do our journals compare to competitor journals in the same domain?
  • Are authors from an institution citing our journals?

Journal Normalized Citation Impact

Use Journal Normalized Citation Impact in InCites to quickly identify the institutions or authors that contribute to your journal's impact.

Journal Normalized Citation Impact: JNCI can help you understand how a paper or group of papers performs relative to other research published in the same journal. It is NOT a journal-level performance indicator like Journal Impact Factor, because it does not tell you how a journal as a whole performs when compared to other publications. Rather, it can help you assess the performance of a subset of papers within a journal. 

JNCI is calculated for each paper in the InCites dataset by dividing an actual citation count by an expected citation rate for documents published in the same journal, in the same year, and of the same document type. For example, we're looking at an article published in the Journal of Aerospace Engineering in 2011 that has been cited 9 times. How would we expect 2011 articles in that journal to perform? 

JNCI calculation for a paper

JNCI divides the actual times cited count by the average/expected citation rate. This gives you a ratio, where 1 equals average performance, >1 indicates above average performance, and <1 indicates below average performance. For a group of papers, the JNCI is an average of the paper-level JNCI values in the group. 

Example Report Using JNCI: Using Blood as an example, we can identify organizations that are elevating the citation impact of this journal. This tile was created in the Organizations report builder and analyzes organizations that have published articles and reviews frequently in the journal in the past ten years. Organizations are ranked by JNCI, and the following filters are applied:

Time Period: 2007-2016  |  Threshold: 100 WoS Documents  |  Document Type: Article; Review  |  Journal: Blood

JNCI bar graph

Here we can see that when Policlinico San Matteo researchers publish in Blood, their papers perform about two times better than the journal average.   

You can also use this report to find the institutions that have a low JNCI score when publishing in your journal, which would indicate that they are not contributing to or elevating your journal's citation impact.