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African Natural History
African Natural History publishes papers on the natural history of Africa, with particular emphasis on research linked to systematics, biodiversity, zoology, geology and palaeontology.
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association
The Journal of the South African Veterinary Association is a contemporary multi-disciplinary scientific mouthpiece for Veterinary Science in South Africa and abroad. It provides veterinarians in South Africa and elsewhere in the world with current scientific information across the full spectrum of veterinary science. Its content therefore includes reviews on various topics, clinical and non-clinical articles, research articles and short communications as well as case reports and letters.
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research
The Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, is the official publication of the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute. It publishes scientific papers reporting original research on diseases and disease vectors of livestock and wildlife with a focus on Africa, but with results of more than local interest.
South African Journal of Agricultural Extension
To advance and apply the Science of Extension and of rural development as scientific discipline by stimulating thought, study, research, discussion and the publication and exchange of knowledge, both nationally and internationally.
South African Journal of Animal Science
Publishes original contributions in research on animal and livestock production science
South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture
The South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture (SAJEV) publishes high quality research of South African and international scientists in Viticulture, Enology, Wine Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Entomology and Soil Science.
South African Journal of Science
To publish original research with an interdisciplinary or regional focus and to provide a forum for discussion of news and developments in research and higher education
Water SA
To publish refereed, original work in all branches of water science, technology, engineering and policy.
Acta Commercii
Acta Commercii promotes research within the ambit of management and related disciplines. It serves as a platform for refreshingly new and invigorating approaches to the nature of management and what this means across different contexts, countries and cultures, with the overall objective of providing an African-international dialogue between researchers.
De Jure
De Jure is a general law journal publishing original research concerned with the development and dissemination of cutting-edge legal research, both national and international. The scope of the journal is wide and supports legal academics, practitioners and scholars.
Education as Change
To publish academic articles on local and global issues of inequality and social justice in education.
Educational Research for Social Change
ERSC provides a forum for the critical discussion of education from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, and for the dissemination of current research to a broad, cross-disciplinary audience of scholars, researchers and practitioners in the field of education.
Law, Democracy and Development
Law, Democracy and Development aims to create a forum in which key aspects of the processes of democracy, good governance, human rights and socio-economic development can be debated by scholars, practitioners as well as those concerned with policy-making across the continent, thus contributing to the development of shared knowledge and cooperative effort.
Scriptura is an independent journal which publishes contributions in the fields of Bible, Religion and Theology refereed by peers. It is international in scope but special attention is given to topics and issues emerging from or relevant to Southern Africa. Scriptura publishes contributions in English but also in other languages relevant to the Southern African region (such as Afrikaans, Xhosa, Sesotho, Zulu, French and German)
Social Work
The mission of the journal is the promotion and advancement of research, professional practice and community interaction related social work and social welfare, at local and global levels, with the focus on excellence and social relevance.
South African Journal of Childhood Education
The South African Journal of Childhood Education (SAJCE) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of research in childhood learning and the development and the care and education of children from birth to 12 years.
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences
The South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences (SAJEMS) is a leading South African-based publication for interdisciplinary research in the economic and management sciences. SAJEMS publishes and disseminates high-quality academic articles that contribute to the better understanding of the interaction between economic, environmental and social perspectives as applicable to the broader management sciences in an African environment.
Stellenbosch Theological Journal
TJ aims to serve academy, church and society with high-quality scholarly contributions. The journal supports theological scholarship that engages with living traditions through responsible Biblical interpretation, a critical engagement with the past, ecumenicity, a practical-theological focus and a unique emphasis on the public character of theological reflection.
Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe
The Journal of Humanities/ Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe focuses on publishing original research and review articles in the fields of theology, languages, art and culture, social, economic and educational sciences, as well as book reviews, chronicles and poems.
African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine
The African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine (PHCFM) welcomes submissions that encourage scholarly exchange between family medicine and primary health care researchers and practitioners across Africa and the developing world, whilst providing a contextual and holistic view of family medicine as practiced across the continent.
African Natural History
African Natural History publishes papers on the natural history of Africa, with particular emphasis on research linked to systematics, biodiversity, zoology, geology and palaeontology.
Curationis provides a forum for cutting-edge theories and research models related to the exploration of issues experienced and the best practices of nurses and midwives so as to improve nursing education, nursing administration and community nursing within Africa.
Health SA Gesondheid (Online)
Health SA Gesondheid provides a forum for cutting-edge, peer reviewed research that evaluates the status of health care within a variety of contexts, with the aim of identifying strategies that can be implemented to improve health safety and service delivery. The journal explores issues and posits solutions to current challenges existing in health care, including the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the prevention of ill health and the increasing complexity of health care.
Koedoe, with the subtitle 'African Protected Area Conservation and Science', promotes and contributes to the scientific (biological) and environmental (ecological and biodiversity) conservation practices of Africa by defining the key disciplines that will ensure the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species in their natural environments (biological diversity) in Africa.
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research
The Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, is the official publication of the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute. It publishes scientific papers reporting original research on diseases and disease vectors of livestock and wildlife with a focus on Africa, but with results of more than local interest.
SA Orthopaedic Journal
To make knowledge available to orthopaedic surgeons and registrars in South Africa and Africa and to be a platform for the publications of orthopaedic surgeons in the continent of Africa.
SAMJ: South African Medical Journal
The mission of the South African Medical Journal (SAMJ) is to keep members of the medical profession informed of new developments in the medical field; enable medical scientists to publish their research in a recognised and respected publication; provide guidelines on best practice; promote continuing professional development; and, maintain the integrity of the profession with unbiased journal content.
South African Dental Journal
The journal primarily provides a platform for Scientific publication, but also for the dissemination of news pertinent to the members of the Association.
South African Journal of Agricultural Extension
To advance and apply the Science of Extension and of rural development as scientific discipline by stimulating thought, study, research, discussion and the publication and exchange of knowledge, both nationally and internationally.
South African Journal of Animal Science
Publishes original contributions in research on animal and livestock production science
South African Journal of Occupational Therapy
SAJOT publishes and disseminates research articles that contribute to the scientific knowledge of the profession and its outcomes with particular reference to service delivery in Africa. It provides a platform for debate about issues relevant to OT in Africa which will also contribute to the development of the profession worldwide.
South African Journal of Science
To publish original research with an interdisciplinary or regional focus and to provide a forum for discussion of news and developments in research and higher education
Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
The Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine is focused on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention and related topics relevant to clinical and public health practice. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate original research results and to support high-level learning related to HIV Medicine. It publishes original research articles, editorials, case reports/case series, reviews of state-of-the-art clinical practice, and correspondence.
Water SA
To publish refereed, original work in all branches of water science, technology, engineering and policy.